Hello Everybody. Today I want to review the project that is called liquid assets token. The reason why I want to talk about is because we are joining the tokenization of economy. LAToken is one of the projects that already has a MVP and will be one of the projects that might change the economical situation around depts. Because of this type of companies appeared banking system and huge banks started to attract attention to blockchain technology early this year.
To make a long story short this company is proposing to tokenize real eatate, peaces of artwork and sell them partially to investors. For instance, if you want to buy out your house and instead of paying percentage to the banks you can buy it out by selling tokens and then buy out tokens with less commission during next years. Lets review what they have. I do not want to go through their website too deeply. You can see all that interesting information, eye catching animation. They have a preaty strong team from what I learned. Their CEO did some project in Russia bout getting credits. They have their first round of token sell. By the way they have live support that answers questions which is nice.
They did good job in marketing. They did a presentation which looks nice. Of course some of the ideas are way to optimistic about selling tokens of pyramids in Egypt.
This team is aming to help four groups of individuals to rais money:
1) Equity
2) Dept
3) Real estate
4) Work of art
The main adavantage of this way of raising money is that you have very low commission rates. You can see the differenct between LAToken and ordinary exchange.
Comparing 6 months to 1 week of preparation. Of course you can do an ICO. Everybody knows this.
I am not very strong about leagal issues in USA and I am not sure how they will deal with Securities and Exchange Commission. They are proposing very low fees on the trades which is 0.001% and 0.01% on assets creation.
From what I saw on their website and whitepaper. They have already a working product. I am not sure how real those numbers are. Some of the items are part of the test network. It is a good idea for a prjoect that is constantly updated so you distinguish what they are doing new and at the same time have working with real assets.
Project team is very active in social network. They visit different conferences, make photos with famous people from blockchain community. They even a have a video with Etherium found where they share ideas and get feedback.
Token distribution. They are planning to raise 400.000 Eth which is now $120 million.
They create 400 million tokens and other 600 million tokens will be frozen for next 10 years. They assume that company and project will grow.
Let`s see how they are planning to use their funds.
40% will be used to engage new investors and owners.
10% spent on development. Taking into account that they say the product is ready it is ok to have such small percentage for development.
They are also going to provide an ability to develop assets on their platform.
The important thing is that team bonus pool is 10% with a cap of $1 million. It means that they will not just take 10% of all the money raise and throw them into a bank account and fly to some islands.
If there are people watching this video who know how legal this stuff is and is there a chance for that project to be block by SEC share with us your opinion. I see this as the greatest risk.
I want to remind you that this video is created only for educational purposes and you invest into any ICO at your own risk.
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